Ramping-fumitory, White

Information on White Ramping-fumitory

Common Name: White Ramping-fumitory
Scientific Name: Fumaria capreolata subsp. babingtonii
Irish Name: Camán searraigh bán
Family Group: Papaveraceae
Distribution: View Map (Courtesy of the BSBI)
Flowering Period

Click for list of all flowering by month
White Ramping-fumitory could sometimes be confused with:

Ramping-fumitory, Common,

This climbing, sprawling annual, found in arable, disturbed fields and banks, bears white or cream flowers in long crowded spikes (up to 20 flowers) from May to September.  These short-stalked flowers (10-14mm long) have the upper petals compressed and the lower petals have rolled-up edges. The upper petals are tipped with deep purple and the flowers have two small toothed obtuse sepals. The alternate leaves are pinnate and cut into numerous segmentsStems, which tend to ramble across other plants, can be up to 80cm long. This is not a native Irish plant and is a member of the Papaveraceae family.  

I found and photographed this plant growing in Dalkey, Co Dublin in 2009.  

If you are satisfied you have correctly identified this plant, please submit your sighting to the National Biodiversity Data Centre

This plant is thought to have been introduced into Ireland where it tends to be found more frequently in coastal areas than inland. 

Ramping-fumitory, White
Ramping-fumitory, White
Ramping-fumitory, White
Ramping-fumitory, White